Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ahhhh *sigh*

I'm finally ok with Jared not nursing, mostly because he has slept through the night ever since we went to formula full-time. It's been a long 7 1/2 months continuing to get him twice during the night, up every 3-4 hours. The first full-time bottle night he went down at 9, woke up at 1, I told Lance to give him his pacifier and see what happens. He screamed for a whole 5 seconds and fell back asleep until 8!! Lance checked on him before he left to work to make sure he was ok :) The second night he went down around 8:45 and was up at 5. I gave him his bottle, put him back down, and he was back up around 7. The third night, last night, he had a bottle around 7:45, bed at 9, up at 6. I woke up to Jared in the bouncy seat at the end of the bed with the bathroom light on! I quickly called Lance to tell him that he can get laid back down in the morning LOL So that's just what I did at 7 a.m., and he didn't complain a bit. In fact, he fell back asleep until 9. Now, in the past I got in that habit of staying up late when I know the kids are going to sleep, but I have also forgotten how nice it is to get more than 4 hours of sleep!!! I've actually felt refreshed and ok with getting up before 7.

So far today has been a good day. Of course Ava saw me when I went to put Jared down because Jenna left their door open, so I went and got Ava out, sent Jenna to the potty and started the routines. Ava wanted to go potty after Jenna, so she did and got a pull-up for it. I heated up some coffee, turned on some cartoons for the girls while I got breakfast ready. Jared got up at 9, fed him some breakfast hoping he would hold off on the bottle until we got a friend's house for a playdate.

The girls both played better than I thought they would, especially as naptime for Ava rolled around. It was nice mommy time and very leisurely. Jenna quickly found the animals and dinosaurs and put them up on the dresser where no other child could reach them. Each of the girls both also managed to fall off the bed within the first 30 minutes of being there. Removing the steps only made Ava's screaming worse. She's so resiliant. She also doesn't listen for anything. Whenever I tell her not to do something, like take someone else's pizza or get off the coffee table, her response is acknowledgement of my speaking, a grin, and continuing to do it anyway. I need to find a way to make it her decision :) Somehow I also forgot Jared's pacifier at home. He was being so good at home and was wide awake. I put him in his car seat with a toy and didn't even think about it. I've mostly been trying to just give it to him when he needs to sleep or is really cranky. Those two usually go together with this calm, lovey cuddler. Unfortunately, during the day, the only way he'll nap is in his swing or if we're in the car. Well while we were out he would only be held when nap time came, and would not take a nap in his car seat or be tricked by the substitute pacifier. We left around 1 so I could get Ava down for a good nap, and he was passed out by the time I had gotten the girls belts on. Poor guy. We got home, both girls went down for a nap (after much reluctance from Jenna as she gets a nap maybe once a week), Jared got a bottle and went in the swing. It's 2:45 and all the kids are down. Ahhhh. Counting down to the next round. When Lance gets home we're heading out to eat and get some paint for Jared's room. Time to move on from Ava's powder pink :)

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