Monday, July 11, 2011

It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday...

A new adventure in leaving Jenna somewhere. I've slowly started adding opportunities for her to be without me. It started when she was 2 months old, we left her overnight with Grandpa and Christie for our anniversary. There were many calls to the house, and overnights didn't happen again for a while! I had to leave her to go back to work for a couple months. She stayed overnight at our house in MO with Lance's parents as well, a little better with just a few calls to check in. Next came playdates at friends' homes without me. Then it was preschool, where I dropped her off with a teacher at the front of the school (GASP). How was I to trust these people to take my baby from the front door to her classroom and keep her safe for 3 hours?! She loved every minute of it, so that helped. She's been off of school for a couple months, and I've been coming to grips with her riding the bus (at least home) from kindergarten this year. I'm glad we're only doing half-day though, I don't think I could handle a full day away yet.

This week she is attending VBS for 3 hours in the morning. We didn't have to rush around too much this morning. That definitely helps all of our stress level. It's at the same church I have MOPS, so she is at least used to the building and also has another friend from church there. But there was some hesitation and anxiety from her going into the sanctuary FULL of people. She said she wanted to go to her room (where she would normally be during MOPS). The babies and I all went in with her to her seat for a couple minutes. I left her in there and went out the foyer where she couldn't see me, but I did peak in one more time to wave to her, and then waited another few minutes to make sure she didn't leave looking for me. I was reassured by the pastor that there were plenty of group leaders for the younger ones, she wouldn't get lost in the shuffle and would be watched. I asked these questions specifically. I finally decided I couldn't just keep these babies in the foyer and mustered up the courage to leave. I got home, put Jared down for a nap, started some laundry, hung out with Ava watching cartoons and making appointments. Jared is up, they've had a snack, and I have 30 minutes left before I go get Jenna. I know she's loving it, though. I am extremely nervous about kindergarten, a big school, bigger class size. Seeing her up close and personal all day long, I forget how young and little she really is. This is a good re-adjustment for me...right? :)

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