Since Jenna was little I've always noticed that she doesn't like to stare for very long. Getting her to look (and keep looking) at the camera, for instance, can be very frustrating. But she has no problem with interactive things, and I've never really had concern with her concentration since she loves doing workbooks and trying to read along with stories.
Yesterday Jenna had her first eye exam with an optometrist to get ready for kindergarten. The first "test" was putting her forehead and chin on a stand so they can look in her eyes. The optometrist kept asking her questions about the light, "see if it changes colors," etc. to keep her looking at it. The next machine was for the retinal pictures, so she had to continually look at a dot so they could take a good shot. That took a little longer for her because she had to stare long enough to get the picture. Eventually they were able to get them, but I could tell the dr. was getting a little impatient repeatedly asking her to keep looking at the dot. She really liked being able to see the picture of inside her eye, though.
Next we went into the exam room. That was interesting with Jared in a stroller and Ava's curiosity. The next exams consisted of looking into the mirror reflection of letters that were behind her, perfect. He had her follow a little light he was holding, but she didn't want to just stare at a boring light, until he put his finger over it, and it looked like his finger was glowing. Next she put on these huge 3-D glasses to identify shapes and the ones that stand out. She identified her shapes, then the dr. asked her to look at the first of 3 rows and show him the one that stands out. She quickly pointed to each of the 3 objects in each row one after another. She had already scanned and noticed the ones that stood out. He was very impressed with that. Naturally I take partial credit. But I also go into paranoid mode that she has ADD or something. He did say that once she gets in school her attentiveness and focus should improve. Next up was the "robot" glasses. As the dr. told her, every kind of glasses was in this machine! I took a picture of her so she could see how she looked. He tested her near/far sightedness. She favors more to far-sighted, as in she can brings things to focus well that are farther. Her diagnosis, she's 20/20, and from her exam he doesn't think she'll ever need glasses. No astigmasim or jittering of the eye, everything looks great.
She had her 5 yr physical and rest of her immunizations on Monday, her arms's still a little red and sore, but now all of the offical kindergarten paperwork appointments are finished!!
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