Today is the most beautiful day we've had this year that I can recall. It was actually cold when I went outside to shake the kitchen rugs out. The forecast, windy with a high of 75. I knew I needed to get some cleaning done that I was putting off, more specifically the bathrooms, and by the time I was finished it was 10 a.m. I gave the girls a snack, put Dora on and took a shower. Jared was up by the time I finished, so we all got ready to venture out to the park! I was originally going to pack a picnic lunch, but as I pulled it out of the packaging realized it wasn't good anymore. So that plan was out. Instead we'd just get something after the park.
As soon as we got to the park Jenna gravitated toward every dog that was out, including a really cute black lab puppy. Ava was off and running to the slides, and sweet Jared didn't go too far from me at first. It was a challenge keeping up with all of them, especially because Ava wants to do everything that Jenna does (the high climbing ladders, the HIGHEST possible slide up a huge flight of stairs, etc.) I had to hold Jared a lot and try to keep them together and be, literally, under Ava climbing up some of this stuff. I think they all had a lot of fun, though...until...
The very last thing we did was get a closer look at the pond to see the ducks and geese. Jared and Jenna were sticking close just fine, but leave it to Ava to test the limits, getting closer and closer to the water. You see where this is going. As soon as I said, "come back with us," she stumbled right over some little rocks on the bank and landed on all 4s in the muddy, goose poopy water. She started screaming, not because she actually hurt anything, but because she was covered in mud. I helped her up, took her shirt off and tried to wipe some of it off. We all walked to the bathroom and washed off Ava's arms that were covered. That was the end of that trip. I stripped her down in the car, hand sanitized everyone, and off we went. OH, but we still needed lunch. We drove though Chick Fil A, and everyone got in the bath as soon as we got home. I guess we'll go to the store, whichever one is open, after naptime. I definitely like doing baths earlier in the evening, but I would've preferred better circumstances. Baths and lunch done by 3, Jared's down for a nap, and now going to attempt nap time for Jenna (in her room) AND Ava (in my room).
Update - You'd think I would've just accepted the point of no return for naps with the girls. If it's past 3, it's not very likely that they'll go to sleep. Sometimes it's the opposite; they're more wound up than ever, and more cranky, whiny and easily set off than ever. It's more frustrating trying to get them to stay in bed, and with all that time wasted, it's easier just to keep them up. Early bed time maybe??
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