Well, it's been almost 2 weeks since Jared stopped nursing, and it has been 3 days that he has had a fever. He has had nothing more than a runny nose for 7 months, then he gets sick. Just when all doubts about going to formula had settled, the lack of my immunity-boosting nourishment for this tiny person has caused him to get sick. Ok, he might have gotten sick anyway considering both girls had a cold, but the timing doesn't help.
The plague seeped in on Monday, the 17th. Since Lance was off work I decided we should all go out to the mall, let Jenna unwind in the play area and use the babies' Build-a-Bear gift cards. Somehow I had completely overlooked the fact that the play area would be PACKED because of the holiday. But Jenna wanted to play, we were staying. Build-a-Bear is right next to the play area, so we went there first thinking the play area might not be as crowded in 30 minutes. No such luck. But it was fun picking out some new friends for Jared (Buster a spotted puppy) and Ava (Kara the Hello Kitty). Just a side note, on the drive to the mall, anticipating going to Build-a-Bear I actually envisioned a spotted puppy that we would get Jared and we would name him Buster, then I saw just that in the window of the store. It was really wierd. I wonder if he'll be extra special to Jared LOL. It was a long wait in line to stuff them, of course Jenna just wanted to plug her ears while the girl ran the cotton machine. She lightened up for the second animal and actually stepped on the pedal to run the machine. I love that store. I have more fun doing the "baths" and picking out the clothes that the kids do. I almost got the Hello Kitty mini couch, but I got a look and "uh...no" from Lance, so that didn't happen :) Oh well. It was on to the play area.
There were a lot of big kids, we knew Ava would just get trampled, so Lance put her on some of the mechanical cars and then took her and Jared in the stroller to get some cookies while I stayed with Jenna. She made a little friend (no surprise) and they played hide and seek. It was cute because there were so many kids they really had to look for each other. The time passed quickly, Lance came back. I asked if he got cookies, he said "I got cookies for us." I left it at that. Note that exact phrasing. Ava was getting cranky, so it was time to head out. We got in the car, and I looked around for some cookies. So I asked Lance where they were, and he said, "We ate them. I got some for me and Ava." Um, ok, we are having communication issues lately! LOL I pointed out his phrasing when I asked him earlier, but I should've known that I needed to be more specific. So no, "us" just meant him and Ava, not "all of us." Then of course I feel bad having told Jenna when we LEFT the play area that we would have cookies when we left. Now, usually I am super-anal about wiping the kids hands off after they've been somewhere germy, so I don't know what I was thinking not doing this for Jenna when we got in the car! When we got home she went potty and washed them, but the damage was done. Sickness was inevitable. By Wednesday she was coughing and sneezing all over the place. Sunday morning Ava had a fever. She's a tough cookie, though and was over it in a couple days. It's been a week now, and Jenna has that lingering loose cough, but is overall just fine. Saturday night, though, Jared started with a low fever of 99. It's been up and down since then, the highest was last night at 103. I finally broke down yesterday and let Lance take him to the doctor. It's not that I don't want him to get better, but I always try to hold off because I know he's just going to get antibiotics, which he just finished for an ear infection a couple weeks ago. Jared has also had a nasty chest cough and some wheezing, which I've been treating with Albuterol. So inevitably, he has a double ear infection and was prescribed with antibiotics. I'm glad that this time he got a 5-day antibiotic instead of another 10-day. Praying this will take! Poor little guy. He's only been drinking 3 or 4 ounces at a time, but getting plenty of rest. We were supposed to go to a MOPS playdate this morning, but he was at 101 when he got up. Another leisurely day in the Clifton house. So far Lance and I have avoided this cold that the kids have passed around. I hope it stays that way. We've all been sick off and on since Christmas, and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I can't wait for spring!!!
Funny, as I was reading this post, I said to myself, ew...he only got cookies for him and ava? Before I knew there was any misunderstanding. I knew exactly what he was saying. I don't miss much when it comes to cookies! He needs to go to the mall and get you some!
ReplyDeleteI am so totally with you Carrie! I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired too:) My family has been passing it around since before Christmas and I'm hoping so hard that I don't get sick again for the rest of the winter...Praying for springs early arrival too!