Wednesday, November 10, 2010

One of those days

After getting what seemed like an eternity of sleep last night (5 hours), the morning started off as usual. This is my daily life...
7 a.m. Jenna and Ava are chatting away, Jared is stirring, I'm telling Jenna to go potty before she plays computer games. But I don't want to leave my room or even let Ava see me or she'll throw a fit that I didn't get her immediately after I left the room.
I need to grab a shower while I can because I won't have time during the day or feel like it at night. I'm being as quiet as I can to keep Ava calm. Done with the shower.
Ugh, I hear the video games but did not hear a toilet flush!
I get dressed while Ava is whining (because Jenna left her to play video games), again tell Jenna to go potty and help her, get Ava out of her crib. Jared's awake but being oh so good! I got in there to change Ava, put her down and of course she gets whiny if I don't take her immediately to the kitchen to eat. She needs to wait.
I head to the kitchen to start breakfast, Ava wants to "watch...go diego," but she has to settle for Dora.
Ava inevitably ends up at my feet whenever I am in the kitchen "ready?eat?" Jared's starting to cry to get out, girls are the table, get Jared, feed him, to the bouncy seat, do dishes while the girls finish, clean them up.
Cartoons on, the girls have play time, snack time rolls around.
After snacks, 10 a.m. Ava goes down for a nap. Jared takes a cat nap in the swing.
I draw leaf shapes on paper bags and let Jenna paint them to cut out later. I try to give her creative freedom but simulateously "teach" her how to not make a complete mess. Once she started painting I tried to just leave her alone or I know she'd be annoyed with me. She ends up smearing paint on her arms. I'm glad I didn't change her out of her pjs yet.
Let her watch some cartoons, Jared needs to eat at 11. Done. Quick pb&j lunch for Jenna and then start getting her ready.
It's a school day, picture day. Trying not to wake Ava up and dreading even the slightest creek in the floor as Jenna and I go to my bathroom to do her hair. I make her stay in my room while I tiptoe and get her change of clothes out of their room. Success! Ava doesn't wake up. She actually sleeps right until we need to start getting ready to go 12:10. Jared's in his car seat, I grab Ava and belt her in the car, Jenna's belted, and we're off. I don't know how many times I looked in the rear view mirror to make sure Jenna wasn't rubbing her hair or something. It was just a low side pony with her bangs swept to the side with pomade and clips, but doing the drop off at the school there's no way I could fix it if it got messed up. But it looked ok. Not so much the case at the end of the day. You know I asked her if her teachers fixed her hair for pictures. She said yes LOL
While Jenna was at school I brought Ava and Jared back home and had to fix Ava some lunch (since it was a grab and go after her nap). When she was done I started checking stuff online, but felt guilty for not taking advantage of our time to she's climbing on my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck. So we go in what is now Jared's room (or the baby room) and read some books. Jared was laying on the floor, so I was sitting on my knees and started baby talking with him, but it was interrupted by Ava climbing on my back saying "ride" and then pulling the back of my pants down saying "poopy?" So I decide to actually let her get on my back for a pony ride, but she can't get back up successfully on her own and decides to whine about it and no longer wants to. We shared some snacks and just hung out. Jared took a big nap, got up to eat around 2:30. Left to pick up Jenna at 3:15. Home at 3:45. Jenna smelled the popcorn in the house and asked for some of her own. She wanted to watch a movie, so I put on CARS. She doesn't like the bull harvester part, so she decides to go hide out in her room until she was convinced that I really would skip past that part when it comes. Lance came home around 4:15, took a shower, I started dinner, again with Ava whining, hugging my legs, begging "eat?chair?ready?" Jared was cranky and fell asleep with Lance holding him. We are around 5:30, I took Jared from Lance so he could eat. I feed Jared, start picking up the house. Then I need to get ready to go to worship practice, Lance puts Ava down at 6:30, I'm out. Lance puts Jared down around 7:30 and Jenna. I need to stop at Walmart before I come home. For some reason I feel cramping but brave through it to then stop at the grocery store for Fitz's root beer and shortbread cookies just for Lance. Come home, watch some DVRs, about to pass out just typing this. I hope Jared sleeps a couple more hours. Sometimes it seems to me that "one of those days" is my every day. But I managed to finish the day without losing total control of myself, trying too much to control Jenna, not letting Ava get away with everything and control me, and love on my sweet boy. I love my life :)

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